Norman Bonney
I’ve been a cinematographer for many decades and have had a great time doing it. Now I’m obsessed with art and drawing and painting whenever I can.
I’ve always liked to draw and 3 years ago my wife and I took a trip to Italy along with a sketchbook. Quickly I feverishly started drawing all the beautiful textures that seemed everywhere. My obsession only grew when I got back and so I found a teacher and starting a systematic study of realist art.
That teacher was Bryan Mark Taylor and I’ve been with him for over 3 years now. He’s a master of art as well as encouragement and feedback. He’s been instrumental to my improvement and I’m happy to say that now anyone can study with him thanks to Sentient Academy. He’s a wonderful person to study with regardless of what kind of art you do and I highly recommend his teaching.
If you want to see my work as a cinematographer that site is here and I am still actively shooting here in Northern California and also traveling occasionally.
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